As any college student will tell you, the cost of buying new textbooks puts a considerable strain on their resources and the more advanced the studies, the more expensive will be the cost of the textbook. One way out of this is to buy used textbooks, but finding students, who will sell used textbooks, especially if you are new to the country, is very difficult.
To help new students, many Australian universities have made provisions through their own social networking sites to sell textbooks online. For students who have passed their exams and do not need their old textbooks, then using the college social network would be the best place to sell old textbooks and make some money to buy their next set of textbooks, old or new, if required.
Having a university social network in place would be the best place to sell textbooks for students or to buy used textbooks, especially if they are on a tight fiscal budget. Currently, there are some colleges that offer an online library service, but that requires the student to sit in the library and do his work; they cannot bring that work home for further study.
To help new students, many Australian universities have made provisions through their own social networking sites to sell textbooks online. For students who have passed their exams and do not need their old textbooks, then using the college social network would be the best place to sell old textbooks and make some money to buy their next set of textbooks, old or new, if required.
Having a university social network in place would be the best place to sell textbooks for students or to buy used textbooks, especially if they are on a tight fiscal budget. Currently, there are some colleges that offer an online library service, but that requires the student to sit in the library and do his work; they cannot bring that work home for further study.